Company Secretary course from ICSI an institute formed by an act of Parliament
Complete dedication is very important to become a company secretary. Being a company secretary requires a, go into detail mind and attitude. As company secretary is the link between the company and the authorities, the company and the outside people, and the company and people within, he should be a good communicator. He also should be having good skill on legal as well as financial frameworks.
Within the corporate framework company secretary is a person who supposed to be an expert in legalities he or she should be having up-to-date knowledge about the changing legal frameworks, new enactments and decisions taken by the courts. As a company secretary is supposed to be a good communicator usually will be seen working with good number of people.

Want to Know in Detail?
In the modern era of Corporate culture where numerous enactments has to be complied by the company, violations of which can cause legal troubles, the job of a company secretary is more or less as a legal expert. The job of a company secretary is not typical in all type of organisation. The nature of work of a company secretary is subject to change in accordance with the company for which he is working, the nature of operations and also the size of the company.
Most Company secretaries work for individual corporations. Their main purpose is to specialize in that particular company’s departments and make sure they are working in accordance with the laws of the land. However, some experienced company secretaries prefer working on a freelance basis, being contracted for short periods by different companies.
Their work generally involves organizing large amounts of data collected from various departments of the company. They must take responsibility for overseeing various aspects of the daily operations of a company, legal compliances ,safety of employees, their insurance coverage, corporate social responsibility programs, accounting and tax related matters and much more.
Usually the job of a company secretary is not limited to a department on area of operation he or she will be taken care of number of departments with different type of jobs. All this depends upon the type of the company and the nature of the contract the company secretary has entered with the company.
Company secretary qualification from ICSI itself is very much enough for the job market but to fine tune it a candidate can have an additional law qualification or a finance qualification. This will help him to climb the corporate ladder more easily.

Salary Prospects
Company secretaries generally earn an amount that is proportional to their level of experience in the field. As a result, the starting salaries are generally modest, but there is a lot of room for increase in salary.
In India, the monthly starting salary can be anywhere between Rs. 35,000 and Rs. 55,000. Here, too, there is a lot of room for increments as experience and a renowned employer can boost the salary of a company secretary to Rs. 100,000 per month. Company secretaries also receive several non-monetary benefits including holidays with pay, insurance, and access to credit for housing and transport as well as sick leaves.

Working Life

Career Path
Company secretaries usually work from the office and in most of the cases it is a 9 to 5 job. But in some situations company secretaries may have to travel to different officers of the company to oversee.
Its operations and also he or she need to present in person on behalf of the company in front of the authorities as a compliance officer.
Company secretaries, particularly in India, have stressful professional lives because of the non transparent nature of legislation. There is a fine line between legal and illegal, a line that it Is often difficult to spot. As a result, company secretaries must constantly be on top of their game, and learning while working is an essential part of life in this career.
There are a number of perks associated with company secretaries. One of the main reasons why people opt for this career path is because of the high earning potential within the field. With experience and qualification, company secretaries earn very respectable salaries. Moreover, the job, unlike many others in related disciplines, normally does not require one to work overtime. The fixed timings generally attract a large number of people into the field. Additionally, company secretaries are very well respected within their organizations. All departments of all companies depend on them to ensure that their functioning is in accordance with the law.

The positions for company secretaries, while they are increasing, are still insufficient to meet the huge amount of demand for such jobs. because of the high potential for growth and earning, a lot of people are seeking such jobs. To be placed even one of the best Organisation in the market one should have updated knowledge and calibre this will help the candidate to launch his career in one of the best company in the market and take that two enviable levels. One should have internship experience to go alongside their formal education record.

Company secretaries are demanded anywhere there are commercial and office setups. As a result, larger cities generally hold more opportunities for prospective company secretaries.
Within India as well, this holds and the larger urban centers and business hubs generate more employment for people in this field.