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Writer's pictureArtha Institute of Management

Reasoning MCQs for Competitive exams

Directions (1-5) Study the following information to answer the following questions.

In a certain code,

“Yogi became chief minister” is written as “@# %@ #% %#”

“Prime minister is Modi” is written as “%@ #@ $& @%”

“Adithyanath known as Yogi” is written as “&% %& &$ @#”

“Modi is chief of BJP” is written as “%# @% #@ @& &@”

Where codes are group of 2 symbols.

1) How “Adithyanath is Yogi” possible will be coded?

a. %@ %@ &$

b. &% @% @#

c. &$ %@ @#

d. %@ &@ &$

e. None of these

2) What is code for word “Prime”?

a. #@

b. %@

c. $&

d. Can’t be determine

e. Either %@ or #@

3) What is code for word “Becomes”?

a. #%

b. %@

c. $&

d. Can’t be determine

e. Either %@ or #@

4) “%# @% #@” will be code of?

a. Chief of BJP

b. Modi is BJP

c. Modi is chief

d. Can’t be determine

e. None of these

5) What is code for word “BJP”?

a. #@

b. %@

c. $&

d. Can’t be determine

e. Either %@ or #@

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

In coded language

“tradition festival iconic” is coded as – ‘8X 9J 6XJ’

“aesthetic recreate vibe” is coded as – ‘8E 9VJ 4W’

“creative emerging shine” is coded as – ‘8NO 5K 8C’

6) What can be the code of ‘during autumn’?

a. 6M 7FN

b. 6M 6FN

c. 6K 6FN

d. 6K 6EM

e. None of these

7) What can be the code of ‘Impulse Response’?

a. 7NT 7F

b. 8T 7NR

c. 8F 7MT

d. 7NT 8F

e. None of these

8) What can be the code of ‘Vibrant Ocean’?

a. 5XB 7J

b. 5XB 7K

c. 5XZ 7M

d. 5YB 7K

e. None of these

9) What can be the code of ‘Ideal Journey’?

a. 5WC 7T

b. 5FB 7T

c. 5WC 7V

d. 5FB 7V

e. 5WB 7T

10) What can be the code of ‘Enough Rise’?

a. 6NF 4F

b. 6MH 4F

c. 6MF 4D

d. 6MH 4H

e. None of these

Directions (11-15): Study the following and answer the following questions:

In a certain code language

“START HER FOOD IN” is coded as “I#8 V#19 L@21 R@18”.

“THE HUMAN MAKE PRODUCTION” is coded as “S#7 Z#19 P@14 L@11”.

“HAIR RETURNED VICTORY SILENCE” is coded as “R@19 V@9 I#5 X#8”.

11) What is the possible code for ‘HANDSOME’ in the given code language?

a. N@19

b. M#8

c. N#19

d. M@8

e. None of these

12) What may be the possible code for ‘EXCLUDING’ in the given code language?

a. M#19

b. M#18

c. M@18

d. N#18

e. None of these

13) What may be the possible code for ‘ONWARD’ in the given code language?

a. I#12

b. M#23

c. I@12

d. I@15

e. None of these

14) What is the code for ‘RETURNED’ in the given code language?

a. R@19

b. V@9

c. I#5

d. X#8

e. None of these

15) What is the code for ‘PRODUCTION’ in the given code language?

a. S#7

b. Z#19

c. P@14

d. L@11

e. None of these 


1. E

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. D

Solution (6-10):

Let us understand the logic behind the given coding decoding

Case-1: If the first letter of the code is consonant-

a. Second last letter of the word changed to second preceding letter of the opposite letter.

b. Number – Total number of letters in the word.


Case-2: If the first letter of the code is vowel.

a. Second letter of the word changed to opposite letter of the same.

b. Second last letter of the word changed to next letter of the same.

c. Number – Total number of letters in the word.

For Ex- iconic- 6XJ

6. C

7. D

8. B

9. E

10. B


Here, we are applying following concept: - 

11. A

12. E

13. C

14. B

15. D

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