ICSI new training structure
ICSI New Training structure 2021: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) revised training structure for the year 2021 based on the Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 issued vide Gazette Notification No. 710/1 (M)/1 dated 3rd February, 2020.
Six Month Relaxation: The ICSI vide Notification no. ICSI/Trg/2020 dated 3rd August, 2020 granted temporary relaxation to the students on the applicability of Regulation 46BA and 46BB of The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 for a period of six months i.e., upto 2nd February, 2021.
The new training structure, shall be effective from 3rd February, 2021. Thus, all students registering in ICSI Executive Programme on or after 03/02/2021 shall follow the revised training structure.
Implementation of the revamped Training Structure will take the Company Secretary (CS) Profession to newer heights and will surely help the ICSI to realise its Vision & Mission. New training structure would develop Professional skills, Legal skills, Management skills, soft skills and IT skills in CS students to make them successful professionals.
Modified Training Structure 2021
Introduction of Practical & Skill Based Training: The new training structure for students, comprises of 24 months training which shall provide them with a platform to develop their core competencies and harness their soft skills including managerial and leadership capabilities.
CS Executive passed students are required to undergo w.e.f. February 2021:
One month Executive Development Programme (EDP) which will equip them with necessary soft and IT skills.
21 month practical training, with Industry/ Practicing Company Secretary.
Thus, if you clear your CS Executive exams in Dec 2020 and onwards then you have to complete 1 year 9 months Articleship under practicing CS after successful completion of 1 month EDP for IT skills development.
CS Professional passed students are required to undergo w.e.f. February 2021:
Corporate Leadership Development Program (CLDP) is the last stage of training for students who have passed the Professional Programme and have completed the practical training, which is a residential programme for a period of one to two months and will further enhance their communication, legal, managerial and IT skills required for Company Secretary Profession.
Executive Development Programme (EDP)
All CS Executive Dec 2020 passed students i.e. CS Professional candidates are compulsorily required to complete ONE MONTH Executive Development Programme (EDP). You have to register for EDP under New Training structure as per the Company Secretaries CS (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.
All Students who have passed Executive Programme and wish to start training under New Training structure as per the Company Secretaries CS (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.
All Students who have passed CS Executive are eligible for 30 days EDP which must be completed prior to commencing 21 months Practical training. Out of one month, CS students may undergo 15 Days EDPthrough online mode (e-mode) and 15 Days EDP through classroom mode as per details provided hereunder.
Online 15 days EDP
CS Institute has introduced 15 Days Executive Development Programme (e-Mode) under New Training Structure in accordance with The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020.
Offline 15 days EDP
In addition to the 15 Days EDP in e-Mode, students are required to complete remaining 15 days EDP through classroom mode as per the guidelines of the Institute.
Practical Training
21 Months Articleship or Industrial Training: Practical Training for Twenty One months after completion of EDP (Executive Development Programme) on whole time basis during normal working hours:
In a company having a Company Secretary in whole time employment or any other company fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute; or
Under a Company Secretary in whole-time practice fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute; or
In any other body corporate or institution or organisation or entity fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute;
Corporate Leadership Development Programme
After passing the CS Professional Programme Examination, a Corporate Leadership Development Programme (CLDP) for not less than thirty days but not exceeding sixty days as may be determined by the Institute
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