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Puzzles - Competitive exams

Direction (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Nine person namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W and X lives in nine floored building marked 1 to 9 in such a way that lowermost floor is marked as 1, floor above it is marked as 2 and so on till topmost floor is marked as 9. Each person likes different bird viz. Parrot, Owl, Duck, Peacock, Dove, Crow, Eagle, Sparrow and Pigeon. Each person also likes different animal viz. Cat, Lion, Elephant, Rat, Dog, Monkey, Horse, Rabbit and Cow. All the given information is not necessary in same order.

One who likes Horse lives on even numbered floor at a gap of three floor from one who likes Peacock. S, who doesn’t like Eagle but likes Rat, lives on floor just below the one who likes Peacock, who neither lives on floor marked as 6 nor on floor marked as 8. V, who doesn’t lives adjacent floor of W, lives on adjacent floor of one who likes Crow. T, who doesn’t lives on floor adjacent to one who likes Sparrow, lives on odd numbered floor at a gap of one floor from one who likes Elephant. Only one person lives between one who likes Parrot and one who likes Horse. U who likes Rabbit lives on any floor below one who likes Eagle. Only three person lives between one who likes Parrot and W, who likes Cow. R who likes Owl neither lives on adjacent floor of one who likes Horse nor one who likes Cow. One who likes Rat and Cat doesn’t lives on adjacent floor. Only two person lives between one who likes Owl and one who likes Pigeon. At least four person lives between one who likes Duck and Crow, who lives on any floor above one who likes Horse. Only three person lives between one who likes Eagle and one who likes Elephant, who lives on adjacent floor of one who likes Cat. Only two person lives between P and one who likes Monkey. One who likes Lion lives on odd numbered floor just below one who likes Sparrow. Q, who neither likes Dove nor Horse, lives at a gap of one floor from one who likes Dog.

1. Which of the following combination is not true?

A. V – Horse – 6 – Pigeon

B. Crow – T – 7 – Dog

C. Q – Monkey – 5 – Sparrow

D. R – Elephant – 9 – Owl

E. All the given combination are true

2. Who among the following likes Dove?

A. W

B. S

C. Q

D. U

E. None of these

3. How many person lives above one who likes Sparrow?

A. Five

B. Two

C. Four

D. One

E. None

4. Which of the following statement is not true?

A. Only three person lives above one who likes Horse.

B. One who likes Cat lives just below one who likes Owl.

C. One who likes Rabbit and Lion lives on adjacent floor.

D. Only three person lives below one who likes Cow and Parrot.

E. All the given statements are true.

5. If all the persons are rearranged in alphabetical order of their name from top to bottom, then position of how many persons remains unchanged?

A. Three

B. Two

C. Four

D. One

E. None


1. C

2. E

3. A

4. E

5. E 

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