Artha Institute of ManagementCompany and Company lawDemystifying the Maze: A Guide to Company and Company Law Synopsis:Â This article delves into the intricate world of companies and their...
Artha Institute of ManagementAug 242 minCompany SecretaryThe Hidden Key: How Financial Literacy Empowers Company Secretaries for Success
Artha Institute of Management Sep 29, 20206 minCompanies (Amendment) Act, 2020 - important provisionsEase of doing business is one of the important aspect for increasing entrepreneurship. For the purpose of updating the entire company...
Artha Institute of Management Sep 28, 20207 minType of writs - CSEETMeaning of Writs A writ, in general sense means an order. In other words, a writ is a formal written order issued by a body with...